Paintings of the 12th to the 13th centuries :

Paintings of Boussac dated back to the 12th century: Nativity

Fresco of the 13th century of Paulhac: Templar commandary – season calendar

Paintings of the 13th to the 15th :

Wall paintings of the 15th century: Saint-Laurent’s torture and sharing of Saint-Martin’s coat

Paintings of Lavaufranche of the 14th century: former commandery

Paintings in Gimel les Cascades of the 15th century: the Trinity

Wall paintings of the 14th century in Solignac: Saint-Christophe

Paintings of the 14th century in Glénic: Adam and Eve
Frescoes and painting
For too long we often considered the paintings within the churches as bibles with images for all the faithful. The main part of the faithful weren’t, indeed, able to interpret the main part of those paintings.
These testimonies of frescoes and medieval paintings are first a liturgical “clothes” that wears the walls of the building. The Limousin presents a diversity of artistic creations that might have known the Middle Age.
The priory of Salles de Lauvauguyon is a must-see treasure of the 12th century, renown by all the historian of art.

Priory of Salles-Lavauguyon
Discovered from 1986, these frescoes are among the most beautiful of France. Their theme, the scenes they represent and their general quality, the wealth of…

Others treasures between the 12th and the 15th century enable a discovery of several illustration themes we also find in the manuscripts.
Some artists are identified as manuscript illustrator and Romanesque frescoes, such as the paintings in the sacramentary and in the crypt of the Romanesque cathedral of Limoges.